pHion Silvagen
True Colloidal Silver
Clinically PROVEN to kill 536 strains of bacteria!

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Safely Destroys Harmful Bacteria! 

Any attempt to cleanse your body of microforms should include supplementation with a powerful mineral called silver. Silver has the unique ability to target the bad guys, by inhibiting the expression of enzymes and other proteins they need for energy production. Yet it leaves the good guys (like probiotics, or beneficial bacteria) alone!

Unfortunately, if there's any category of dietary supplements on the market that is plagued by poor quality products, it's colloidal silver. So be very careful when purchasing colloidal silver to choose a product that:

  • Is a true colloid, not silver compounds or proteins bound with silver

  • Has a safe amount of silver, preferably between 5-10 parts per million (ppm)

  • Is tested to be non-toxic

  • Is tested to be efficacious.

pHion's Silvagen™ meets all four of these criteria.

Advantages of Silvagen over other types of Colloidal Silvers

  • True colloid. pHion's Silvagen is a true colloid, meaning it contains extremely fine particles of silver that are suspended in water. Some products that call themselves “colloidal” are actually silver salts or silver proteins, which have higher - and possibly dangerous - concentrations of silver.

  • Safe amount of silver. Silvagen is carefully manufactured to contain 10 ppm, an extremely low yet still very effective dose.

  • Tested non-toxic. Seven independent safety studies have been conducted on Silvagen. All have concluded that the product is completely non-toxic, even at levels that far exceed the normal human dosage.

  • Tested efficacious. Over 50 efficacy studies - comprised of thousands of different individual tests - have been completed on Silvagen at numerous international, governmental, major university, and private laboratories. The product was able to eradicate 536 out of 540 microforms tested in just 15 minutes of contact time.

If they use it to disinfect hospitals…

Silver is well-known for its disinfectant properties. For thousands of years, it was used to make water and food fit for human consumption. Until 1938, it was used widely by American physicians to fight all kinds of microforms. Silver nitrate used to be dropped into newborns' eyes as a protective measure. And recently, Silvagen itself was approved by the EPA as a natural disinfectant for hospitals and medical centers.

Unlike silver salts (such as silver nitrate), colloidal silver is a specially processed kind of silver, wherein tiny microscopic particles of the metal are dispersed in a solution. This is the kind of silver that is generally safe for human consumption. 

How does colloidal silver work? By cutting off harmful microforms' energy supply. Like humans, microforms need energy to live. And like humans, they manufacture ATP to generate energy. Colloidal silver works by inhibiting the expression of enzymes and other proteins that microforms need for energy production. But it is wonderfully selective: Two independent studies have shown that while Silvagen is effective against all kinds of bad microforms, it leaves the good guys (like probiotics, or beneficial bacteria) alone! 

Colloidal silver quality varies greatly. Make sure your colloidal silver meets these 4 criteria:

Silvagen Is A True colloid

There are all kinds of substances masquerading as “colloidal” silver. But a true colloid contains fine particles of a substance (in this case, silver) that are suspended in a solution (in this case, water). Imposter colloids include silver salts (such as silver chloride or silver iodide) and silver proteins. These solutions may contain microscopic silver particles, but they tend to have a much higher silver content (sometimes as high as 5000 ppm) and therefore pose safety issues.

Silvagen is a true colloid, manufactured using an electrolyte process. It is produced by passing a small D.C. current through an electrolyte with silver electrodes. Minute particles with a positive electrical charge are drawn off of the positive electrode and suspended in the water solution, at a concentration of only 10 ppm.

Safe amount of silver

Silver, particularly the specially processed silver in Silvagen, is potent. You only need a little bit of it to have an effect. If you take too much silver - we're talking massive quantities - then it could cause argyria, which is a permanent gray-blue discoloration of the skin.

Now argyria is a very rare disorder, and you have to consume something along the order of 900 mg of silver in a year to develop it. That's 90 liters of 10 ppm colloidal silver, or 50 times the normal adult dosage of Silvagen. But it's only one fifth of a liter of 5000 ppm “colloidal” silver (more likely silver salts or silver proteins calling themselves colloidal), which you could easily consume in less than a year.

pHion Silvagen is carefully manufactured to contain 10 ppm, an extremely low yet still very effective dose.

Tested non-toxic.

Seven independent safety studies have been conducted on Silvagen. These include:

LD-50 test. At 200 times the normal dosage, Silvagen was again found to be completely non-toxic.

Probiotic test. Two studies at two different labs found that Silvagen does not harm probiotics (beneficial bacteria) at the recommended dosage level.

Tested efficacious.


Not only is Silvagen non-toxic, it's highly efficacious. Over 50 efficacy studies - comprised of thousands of different individual tests - have been completed on Silvagen at numerous international, governmental, major university, and private laboratories. Even at a diluted level of 4.4 ppm, the product was able to eradicate 536 out of 540 microforms tested in just 15 minutes of contact time.


Say goodbye to acid-causing microforms, with the extensively tested colloidal silver formula, Silvagen!

Product Ingredients 

The ingredients in pHion Silvagen include:

pHion Silvagen contains single-charged silver colloids (10 ppm) in a base of distilled water.

pHion Silvagen is tested to be safe and non-toxic according to standards and test procedures established by the FDA.

Back To Silvagen Summary Page  or  Order Now


Roy R, et al. Ultradilute Ag-aquasols with extraordinary bactericidal properties: role of the system Ag-O-H2O. Mat Res Innov. 2007;11(1):3-18.

Wikipedia. Colloidal Silver. Last modified Dec. 27, 2007.

Yamanaka M, op cit.


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